Media Slave

Author SHU
Size 9.5 x 6.5 cm
Page -
Language -
Published in 2022, Taiwan
Work Introduction


In these photos, people are depicted as slaves to the media, constantly brainwashed and controlled by it. They are dominated by their followers and smartphone screens, losing all personality and agency. Furthermore, those celebrities who expose themselves for fame and fortune are twisted by the media into false images, completely losing their true selves.

Artist Bio


Based in Taipei,  graduated from Pratt Institute in New York. My creative style favors experimental handcrafted bookbinding and visually expressive photography with satire and some hilarious. I have participated in various zine-related book fair events in Taiwan, where I have shared my works and perspectives. I am passionate about exploring the connection between art and life, and I hope to convey some unique thoughts and experiences through my work.

Monday Nov 5 2018